Scottish Quality Crops was registered by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) - under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 - as a Co-operative Society on 10 December 2020.
SQC is a co-operative formed of farming and associated industry partners. The current members are:
- National Farmers Union of Scotland (NFUS)
- Scottish Agricultural Organisation Society (SAOS)
- Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC)
- Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC)
- Scotch Whisky Association (SWA)
- Maltsters Association of Great Britain (MAGB)
- Association of British Millers
For clarification, the Farmer Scheme Members are not SQC Co-operative members.
The objects of the Co-operative are to carry on for the benefit of Members any trade, business or service and in particular to carry out the business of a co-operative association of agricultural producers by any or all of the following means:
- To operate and manage a crop quality assurance and traceability scheme that demonstrates safe, traceable and environmentally responsible production of arable crops within Scotland
- To represent growers’ interests by providing an industry voice with relevant stakeholders including influencing emerging policy and legislation to maximise opportunities and minimise risks for SQC growers businesses
- To proactively communicate and engage with growers and industry stakeholders to understand market requirements and explore industry development opportunities to help improve the economic sustaibility of SQC members businesses
In carrying out its objects, the SQC Co-operative abides by the internationally recognised co-operative values and Co-operative Principles as defined by the International Co-operative Alliance.
The SQC Board of Directors is entirely made up of Co-op member representatives.
However, the SQC Chair reserves the right - with agreement from the Board - to invite individuals i.e. non SQC Co-op members, as Co-optees to the Board.
Any Co-optees will be time limited and will not have voting rights.
The balance of Directors will remain with the farming sector guaranteed a place on the Board via both NFUS and SAOS. However, it will be one member one vote.
On establishment of the SQC Chair, they will no longer represent their former organisation - but will maintain voting rights and, if necessary, the casting vote. The SQC Chair may stand for a maximum of two terms - each of three years - with re-election at the end of the first term. The SQC Vice Chair will stand for one term of three years with an expectation that they will continue as SQC Chair. The SQC Chair and Vice Chair must be farmers (growing arable crops or managing an arable enterprise).