The Certification System ISO/EC/17065 is an independent, third party system for determining conformity with product standards. The Certification System requires examination of product, the production processes, the production environment, the distribution facilities and assessment of the quality management system. Acceptance after initial assessment is followed by ongoing surveillance.
The structure of the certification procedures follow the general criteria for certification bodies operating product certification as defined in the European Standard ISO/IEC 17065. Accreditation to this standard is carried out by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS). Food Integrity Assurance is the only certification body appointed by SQC to carry out assessments to SQC's standards. Its structure and operating procedures are laid out in its Farm Assurance Scheme Standards, available from the SQC office or from the scheme document under the document section.
Participation is voluntary and membership is open to all combinable crop producers in Scotland who demonstrate, by independent annual assessment, that they operate to SQC standards.