Scotland has taken the lead in the development of farm and quality assurance schemes. With the formation of Scottish Quality Cereals in 1994, cereal producers now have the unique opportunity to place Scotland's cereals at the premium end of the UK and European markets. In 2007, the company changed to Scottish Quality Crops to take into account that all combinable crops were now included within the scheme standards.
Through farm assurance, Scottish cereal growers - in association with their trade partners - are responding positively to increasing consumer awareness about modern food production.
With the Food Safety Act 1990 placing an onus on every sector of the food chain, from production through to consumption, SQC has adopted a whole industry approach representing all sectors of the cereal growing, wholesaling and processing industries.
Processors and consumers of farm produce are now demanding QUALITY ASSURANCE and TRACEABILITY of the products they purchase. Assurances over production methods are being actively demanded by supermarkets, maltsters and brewers as well as the public.